You may be addicted to something and is not aware of it!

The word addiction is a word we hear more often than we would want to hear it, and even worst, how many people are addicted to one thing are another. You might be surprised to know how many things one can be addicted to. “It is most important to understand that no one who suffers from addiction intended to develop an addiction. Attitudes about addiction began to change in the 1990s. It is no longer seen as a character flaw that can be overcome by will power. It is recognized as a chronic disease that changes both the structure and function of the brain” (The Nurses). Addictions manifest itself in more than one ways. It starts off with the intense craving for something… Then it puts you in a position where you no longer have control over its use. Eventually, although you know that it is hurting you, or having an adverse effect, one seems to lose the ability to walk away from its involvement. You will be surprised to find out how many things there are to be addicted to.

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