January 21, 2025

Baby Dedication 

We can also do “Virtual Dedication” no matter where you are

Why Dedicate Babies? First of all, we do not baptize babies, because baptism follows repentance from sin which a baby is not culpable for. Dedication means to set apart for a special purpose; to commit one-self fully, or to devote. Because an infant cannot set him/herself apart for any special purpose, it becomes the responsibility of the parent/s to do so.


The dedication of babies has been an old Christian tradition adopted and practiced by parents and religions of all ethnic and denominational backgrounds. This phenomenon is believed to have a profound or supernatural effect on the way children’s lives are lived. The truth is, dedication is not a canopy of protection for infants, (though we sincerely trust God to do that and more) but rather it is a giving up of their lives for service to the Lord.


In other words, parents who have already given themselves to the Lord, dedicate their children to follow in their footsteps. Jesus, no doubt, demonstrated his acceptance and love for little children when he said, “Suffer (or allow) the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of heaven…”(Mark 10:13-16) 


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