January 22, 2025

This is a thought for consideration for every Christian who goes into the house of God for worship. Do a personal evaluation as you go into the house of the Lord for worship.  The first thing to assess is, how much does coming to church means to me? Is it a ritual, habit, tradition, custom, or good principle? Two, what do I offer to the Lord when I come? Do I bring a sacrifice of praise or do I just come to fulfill my Sunday responsibility?  Three, what are my expectations when I come into the house of the Lord considering that I profess to be coming into his divine presence? Bearing in mind, no one who ever comes into the presence of the Lord remains the same. Four, if I’m coming into the presence of the Lord, what should my conduct and attitude be?  Do I come to give worship unto the King of kings, and be thankful for his mercy and grace? Do I avoid distractors and distractions to prevent me missing something the Lord wants to say to me?

Five, do I listen carefully to the word of God delivered to shape my life whether for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, or for instruction in righteousness?  Six, what happens when I leave, am I the same as I came, did I have a transforming experience, or am I leaving worst than I came? There is one of three things that you can do when you hear the spoken word of God that penetrates every fabric of the heart, (not the organ, but the inner thoughts and  the mind) to bring conviction or rebellion. So #1. You either hear the word of God, receive it and allow it to shape your life for the better. #2. You hear it and let it pass by as if it means nothing and remain in whatever your prior position was. #3. Ye hear it, rebel against, and make yourself worst than you were. Those are the three options. Choose you this day!


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