God’s Hidden Agenda

You never know what God is doing until he works it out.

God’s Hidden Agenda! It is impossible to know ahead of time what God is doing behind the scenes while he is working his purpose out in our lives. The reason we don’t find out sometimes is that we are not willing to go through the process. God’s plans and procedures are not always, if ever according to protocol. He decides by himself what to do and how to do it. He takes no counsel and needs no guidance. The story of Ruth and Naomi is one of a great example to all of us. What appeared to be tragedy became a triumph. No one could have imagined that Naomi, her husband and two sons going into Moab from Judah would be an advised trip. It got worst when their two sons got married and shortly after they died along with their father, leaving all wives as widows. Ruth’s desire to return with her mother in law could not have predicted the end result. God’s hidden agenda came to light in no uncertain way. You may have no idea what God is working out in your life while you are experiencing the struggles, grief, pain, and heartaches you are having, but he may have a hidden agenda for your life, but you will never know until you look back. Hang in there, you may be up for a great surprise!

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