January 22, 2025

If you are like me, you will observe how we are becoming more and more gullible and desperate to get a word from the Lord that we are willing to receive it from anywhere, not realizing that you cannot get something from where it isn’t. A true word must come from the Word himself who is Christ The Word.

You can never find something if you are looking at the wrong place for it, and I believe that has had profound effect in people’s confidence in the Lord, or faith in the many people who are making declaration and decrees in their lives and their future. Because someone says they have a word from the Lord does not move the Lord to agree, or act upon it.

With the great influx of apostles, prophets, and prophetesses constantly bombarding the airwaves and social media declaring that they have a word for you, it becomes dangerous and has been causing negative effect on the lives of thousands of people who leave themselves vulnerable. What are your thoughts on this subject? I would love to have a broad discussion for and against the topic.

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