January 30, 2025

Premarital Counseling


If you are planning on getting married it is paramount that you seek and get effective premarital counseling. This will help to prepare you for the new life experiences you are venturing into. While it is not to suggest that marriage has teeth as some may imply, it is also unlike anything you have ever experienced. One should seek guidance for better preparation to avoid unnecessary surprises. 


If you have been married before and are planning to get married again, it is also important to receive premarital counseling. This will help pinpoint some of the causes of why the first marriage didn’t work. It is easy to blame the other party, but if you don’t come face to face with what might be your own shortcomings, you may find yourself out of your second marriage. Statistics have shown a 17% increase rate of second marriages ending in divorces when compared with first marriages. All efforts should be made to prevent a reoccurrence of divorce.



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