January 22, 2025

Pressed But Not Crushed


The apostle Paul expressed his experiences of suffering in ministry but was determined to find good in the midst of evil. He was adamant in not allowing his immediate situation to distract him from the bigger picture, or derail his ministry. In order to do that, he had to encourage himself, and at the same time, encourage those around him by reminding them to stay focused on the bigger picture ahead,  and not allow the immediacy of the struggles and sufferings to stymied their goals, dreams, and destiny.  


More times than not you will have to encourage yourself and be a source of encouragement to those who your life will impact, negatively or positively. You cannot afford to let those who look to you for strength see you crumble under pressure.


PRESSED BUT NOT CRUSHED!   We are troubled on every side which is one of life’s norms, yet not distressed. Distressed suggests being afflicted, or having tribulation. According to Thayer, he describes being “pressed like grapes” but not distressed. To be distressed means to cramp, and cramp is a painful involuntary spasmodic contraction of the muscle which is a temporary reaction or paralysis because of the overuse of the muscle.


We are perplexed but not in despair! To be in despair means there is no way out, or to be at a loss. It also suggests that you are left wanting, embarrassed, and do not know where to turn. However, though life often deals us some of those experiences, here is what keeps us going: we are not in despair! Why? To be in 


despair is to lose hope, and to lose hope is a virtual death sentence. Despair will cause you to stop trying, and if you stop trying you eliminate all your chances of success. Persecuted, but not forsaken…   The enemy of your soul, the adversary to your ministry, the source of spiritual wickedness in high places, the one who consistently and relentlessly pursues you will not give up, but your consolation comes from knowing that you are not forsaken by the Lord, and you are not abandoned, although it appears so at times.  


Cast down, but not destroyed… You have the woody woodpecker nature and character in you that will cause you to rise above the storm, no matter what the devil throws at you. You are more than conquerors through him who loves you, and your attitude must demonstrate to the devil that you know your status, and what’s available to you. “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perishes, yet the inward man is renewed day by day”(2 Corinthians 4:16) We survive by tapping into our inner strength which God has provided grace to sustain in spite of the fiery darts of the wicked.


PRESSED BUT NOT CRUSHED!   If your strength is waning, find a shoulder to lean on. The good man will fall and rise seven times! You may feel like a victim but you are a victor. You may be at a loss, but that too will pass. As long as you do not lose hope, you will have the strength to keep fighting. A brighter day always lies ahead, don’t you rest till you find it!  

Only so many of us can identify with the television character called “woody woodpecker”. One of the most admirable things about him is that it doesn’t matter how often you knock him down, or roll him over, he gets up, laugh, and back to business as usual. Sometimes rolled over by tractors, pressed flat into the ground, nevertheless he will be up again. Use your imagination and see yourself in light of woody woodpecker, down but not out. Jesus told Peter that Satan desired to have him that he might sift him as wheat, but he prayed for him that his faith would not fail; and when he is converted he should strengthen his brethren. HOLD ON TO YOUR FAITH!

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