January 22, 2025

What Type Of Light Are You?

I look at the world around us and I see it plunging into deeper darkness, and something tells me it is because the church is not reflecting the consistent light that Jesus tells us that we ought to be…Instead of us repelling darkness with our presence, it seems like the devil is dragging us into darkness.


In Matthew 5 we see Jesus began his sermon on the mount, (maybe the longest recorded sermon in history) as he went through what is called the beatitudes which are eight blessings. In the Vulgate (the 4th century Latin translation of the Bible) Each of these blessings begin with “beati”, which translates to happy, rich, or blessed.


Reflecting on what type of light we are as Jesus tells us that “we are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” He also reminds us that “Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.” The admonition we received from Christ is this chapter tells us to “Let our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”


It is clear that we are supposed to be the light of the world and that we should never put our light under the bushel, we should illuminate our city and cause men to come and glorify our Father who is in heaven, but the question is, what kind of light are we? There are all kinds of light, and they serve various purposes… In order to put that in perspective in a manner that can be easily understood, I want to look at the lights on a motor vehicle.




Headlights: They are designed to show you a clear path moving forward… but note, they are designed only to show the driver where he is going, and to inform other drivers and pedestrians that a vehicle is coming, but they do not provide light for a community.


Break lights: They mean just that, my foot is on the breaks, and that means one of two things or both. I am slowing down, or stopping, or stopped. Unfortunately, some people are brake lights. They want to put the brakes on everything you do or try to do because they are stopped and don’t want you to keep going.


Reverse lights: You never use reverse lights going forward. We do not reverse, forward still it’s Jehovah’s will although the billows dash and spray.


Hazard lights: These are flashing lights that warn of danger, they are meant to be eye-catchers to alert others of danger, or for the driver and car’s protection.


Indicator lights: These are lights that tell others that you are turning to the right or to the left. We do not need turning lights, because we are instructed never to turn to the right or to the left, Josh. 1:7; Deut. 5:32; Prov. 4:27.  The path we travel is straight and narrow, with no shadow of turning, therefore, the believer cannot be an indicator light.


Interior lights: Interior light does not serve those who are outside of the vehicle, and provides light only for those who are in the immediate space and has no impact on the community.


Reflector lights:  Reflector lights look like light but are not, they do not have the light of their own, they reflect other lights. There are some people who are reflectors, they feed off what others do but do nothing for themself.




The truth is, none of these lights though characteristic of many of us, none of these lights fit the category Jesus was speaking about. His light suggestion was a city on a hill because it was intended to be constantly giving illumination to everyone, and also directions where to find the city. It should shine constantly with a purpose, that man may see our good works (our action, kindness, and Christlikeness) and be inspired and lead to glorifying our father who is in heaven.




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